ENDER 3 PRO + 4.2.7. MB + 5pin BLTOUCH + MARLIN 2.0.x bugfix
This is successful configuration for machine descibed in title. Printer is standard Ender 3 Pro with no other modifications, with motherboard upgraded to silent 4.2.7. with BLTouch with 5-pin cable. Configuration.h Configuration_adv.h
LVGL Graphic Library – How to create my own theme.
This is my work in progress, not a tutorial! But someone might find it hlepful. Because it’s not a good approach to directly write changes to themes defined int the lvgl library (lvgl/src/lv_themes), I’m working on “how to” make my … Continued
STM32, CubeMX – USART – receive by interrupt – different way
The clasic way: Generate project by Cube, enable USART in asynchronous mode and enable global interrupt Insert function HAL_UART_Receive_IT(…) to main() function before while() loop. Write HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(…) function for interrupt callback and insert code for processing RX data This way … Continued
STM32, CubeIDE – Conversion of project to C++
1) Right click on the project and select “Convert” to C++ 2) Rename main.c to main.cpp 3) Inside each C header file (xxx.h) close whole C code into this:
Windows 10: Barvy záhlaví okna
Ve Windows 10 už nejde normálně měnit barvy horního pruhu otevřených oken, jako to šlo v předchozích windows XP, 7 a 8. Jde pouze zaškrtnout volbu Nastavení -> Přizpůsobení -> Barvy -> (zaškrtávadlo) Záhlaví a ohraničení oken (viz první obrázek). … Continued